Sunday, May 22, 2005

It wouldn't be NU Softball....

Well, here in South Bend the clouds are beginning to loom! The forecast calls for isolated thunderstorms throughout the day, although the actual probability of rain is 30%. However, in order to accomodate some of the Notre Dame staff up in the little press box here at Ivy Field, we have been moved down to the table below the press box that is literally 10 yards behind homeplate and about 2 feet behind the netting that is the backstop. However, one problem with this amazing vantage point, we are "in harms way" as the wind is picking up and the clouds begin to cover. For now, we are just hanging out as the press table sits from left to right, Tenorio (Daily), myself, Softball SID Doug Meffley, and the broadcast team for game 1, Howard Tilman and Ray Garcia. It is an NU party down here about 20 minutes before the start of today's game between Notre Dame and Northwestern, but I have a feeling we'll be getting soaked before too long.

Afterall, it wouldn't be NU Softball without rain and scheduling mishaps. I plan to update the blog throughout the game, although not to the sickening proportions that Mr Tilman did. Good luck Cats!

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